Friday, September 18, 2009

Good Coffee and Literature!

Finally some real coffehouse culture in Gundeli with the opening of "Nasobem"

on Saturday 19. September!

On the opening day you can start off with a bohemian breakfast: free croissants! During the day there will be music and books galore... In the evening at 19h30 you can enjoy a reading of Guy Krneta.

Besides good coffee and free WLAN, Nasobem also offers a wide variety of English and German books.

Nasobem also sports a stage which can host up to 50 people and they will offer readings, little concerts and other stuff. So if you are interested to get on stage, contact them!

More information under:

You can find Nasobem at the crossing of Frobenstrasse / Güterstrasse at the SBB Gundeli rear entrance.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Elegant Country Style Dining at "Schaellenursli"

Since a thousand years the Church of St. Margarethen towers above the city in Binningen. Attached to the church is a farm managed by Urs and Christa Rediger.

With the help of the Acqua team they have now transformed one of their farm barns into a fine dining experience called "Schaellenursli" where you can enjoy local farm grown food and long forgotten rural specialties.

On Thursday to Sunday night you can choose among two menues, one of them vegetarian. The menues are in the middle price range with a four course meal costing about 50 CHF without beverages.

On Sunday morning you can enjoy a farmers brunch.

As the tables are highly booked early reservations are mandatory, especially for Saturday nights.

More information on

Friday, January 02, 2009

Basel finally got its Beach!

Soon to happen near Gundeli... at the Markthalle: Basel City Beach

The Event Agency First Soirée Basel will open the first Indoor Beach in Basel in the Markthalle on January 9, 2009.

The beach will of course feature white quartz sand, swimming pools, whirlpools, lounge and bar areas to get that summer feeling - in Winter! Judging that this winter is going to be exceptionally cold, this new venue will certainly be the hippest place to be this winter.

The Grand Opening will be on January 10th at 12 noon.

Opening Times: Thursday, Fri from 17.00 , Saturday from 12.00

During the day the venue will offer Yoga classes, massage etc. and on Thu, Fri, Sat Happy hour from 17- 18h...

More Information: